A Commentary Series
Built for Preachers and Teachers
This commentary goes beyond a solely devotional or solely scholarly focus. Each volume has an exegetical author and a homiletic author who partner together to provide sound insight and guidance for effective proclamation.
Why Kerux?
Just as a kerux (KAY-rukes) heralded the king, this commentary series will equip you to accurately and authoritatively communicate the message of the divine King.
The Kerux Commentaries series takes its name from the Greek word kerux, a messenger or herald who announced the proclamations of a ruler or magistrate. It’s the same word that Paul uses in 1 Timothy 2:7—“For this I was appointed a preacher and an apostle. . . .” Those who proclaim and teach the text of Scripture need to be equipped not only to explain Scripture, but also to connect the hearers with the big idea of a specific passage and its application to life.
Based on the popular “big idea” preaching model, Kerux commentaries uniquely combine the insights of those trained in biblical interpretation (exegetes) and those trained in preaching (homileticians).